Before I left Bloomington, I finished an article about Edie, a diner waitress at the rootsy local Wee Willie's Diner on South Walnut. I spent time sipping coffee, chatting up locals and watching the simple, focused work life that Edie lived, although there were personal surprises that surfaced once I got her to talk about them. She's 75 and can't retire. Here's her story:
I love diner food. I love the Americana nostalgia of buttered toast, scrambled eggs with onions and way too many cups of coffee. I've spent so many good mornings with people I love just eating food slowly because our mouths were telling stories. When I was 5ish-8ish my favorite place was "Cactus Jack's" in Eureka. Carvings of "CJ" decorated the walls, and I didn't realize that they weren't for me. I always ordered a huge chocolate milk and pancakes that the chef made with Mickey Mouse ears and a whipped cream smile. A healthy breakfast for a growing girl who never liked Mickey Mouse much except in the shape of pancakes.
Then there's Uncle Bill's in St. Louis. After picking golf balls from the field at Tower Tee all night (this is something you do when your dad wants to build your character), there's nothing like a stack of pecan pancakes and an honest cup of joe.
Diner waitresses move fast so their regulars can sit and sip and speak slowly.
Wee Willies is my Bloomington favorite. Thanks, Josh for taking me there.
Today, though not in diners, I tasted two perfect meals:
After church with a few Haitian friends I've made in London, we shared glasses of mango juice and:
1. Haitian lunch.
Diri ak pwa: beans and rice
poul avek sos: chicken and sauce
pwason avek zepis: fish and spices
yam/manioc salad, green salad

I hobbled to the train station, full after four plates for a mandatory dinner with our internship leader. When I say mandatory I mean amazing.
2. Le Mercury, adorable and affordable French cuisine.
Red wine I don't remember how to spell
Hot goat cheese and bread with pesto sauce and leafy salad
Mussels in cream sauce with thyme and basil
Creme brulee with perfect crunchable top
Calypso coffee + liquor
A needed the long walk home to digest. Happy tummy. Happy day. Bondye se bon.