Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Paul Farmer + Obama = Paurack Fabama = Yes.

Paul Farmer is the man. His idea of bringing Harvard-quality medicine to the poorest places (Like Haiti) revolutionized the way the medical world treats the world's needy. There's talk of him taking a place in the new administration. I say, good move. Farmer is young, compassionate and bright, and if there is a surge in AIDS relief money, I'd like to see Farmer in charge of it.

Paul Farmer and Obama


Ronak said...


"Pops" said...

I remember hearing about this guy in an HBO documentary a while ago. He is doing some wonderful things over there. I'd love to see him get a post in the Obama administration.

Ashley Wilson said...

nice! i hadn't heard about this so thanks for sharing. hope you're having a fab time in london:)