When my grandpa was in the military in the 70s, he picked up a record player for his kids (my mom and Uncle Joe). The kids spun their Simon, they spun their Garfunkel. And when they left home, the record player sat and then was shuffled during moves.
It ended up in my grandma's office in my grandparent's home in my favorite place in the Smoky Mountains in the most beautiful state. North Carolina.
This summer, when I visited my grands, we fiddled around with the darn thing until it made some noise. The inaugural record? Peter, Paul and Mary's "Ten Years Together."
Here is my grandpa, overjoyed that it works. The song playing was "500 Miles." I think he just said his famous phrase, "Egads!"

But that's not the end of this player's story. My grandparents, on a visit to my parents in St. Louis, brought the thing with them, and then my mom and dad drove it to me this weekend.

Again, some fiddling was neccessary. Luckily, my mom remembered putting it together as a kid. The inaugural song this time? Jackie Wilson's "I Get the Sweetest Feeling."
And I do.